
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment or ESA

A Phase II ESA is also referred to as a “subsurface investigation” or more commonly “site investigation,” typically consists of collecting a series of soil, soil gas, which includes sampling for vapor intrusion and groundwater samples and sending the samples to a laboratory to determine if prior operations have impacted the property negatively through environmental contamination.

If a Phase II study indicates cause for concern, there may be a need for a more detailed Baseline Environmental Assessment or BEA detailed study. 
Properly done, a person or company can purchase, or lease foreclosed, or contaminated property and the new owner or tenant can be protected from liability with a Baseline Environmental Assessment. This can protect the new owner from liability for cleanup of existing contamination on the property if they:

1) conduct a baseline environmental assessment (BEA) and
2) disclose it to Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and subsequent purchasers and transferees of the property, as outlined in,

Part 201 (Environmental Remediation) and
Part 213 (Leaking Underground Storage Tanks).

For questions regarding the regulations and the process to conduct and submit a BEA, contact Saint Arnold for a Environmental Consultant referral that is experienced conducting a BEA.

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